Sunday, October 27, 2019

For Your Listening Pleasure...

Do you have a half hour where you will be driving, folding laundry, cooking dinner, running?  Then, I've got something to fill your ears:

A few Sundays ago I ran a couple of miles (and, yes, I was listening to a book at the time) to be interviewed by Katie for her new podcast called, "Career Roulette." Cool.  How hard could it be?! Just talk about what I do, right?

Well! I was nervous!  I hope I sound coherent.  I hope I make you proud NYLA, AASL, ALA.  It's the least I can do for all you do for me. I hope you get what I do.

Lots of shout outs to folks I love and adore: my kids (of course!), Val who gave me the idea to become a librarian, Alicia my forever book recommender, my mom who taught me to love reading and who prefers eBooks over print any day, my teacher collaborators who I do everything with side by side, and a few of just some of the many authors and illustrators who have visited our school.

Maybe this podcast will convince someone to go back to grad school. Maybe? It's pretty awesome...

I love my job and am very thankful that my Career Roulette spinner landed on "school librarian."

Thanks, Katie for this fun opportunity to talk about all I do at CES!

1 comment:

  1. We make a great team-- in different schools, at different levels, but united in our love of books and their impact on kids (but everyone!)
