Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Leaping into the 2017-18 School Year!

The alarm went off.  It's wasn't even 5:30 yet and I took a giant leap out of bed.  My husband whispered, "You're getting up already?"  I think he was surprised that this multiple snooze presser was not pressing it today.  Today.  Our first day of the 2017-18 school year!  I didn't sleep well last night.  Do any of you the night before?

I don't think I have ever been this excited for the first day.  I had such a good, re-energizing summer that I am so excited to see, hear, leap with students today!  I haven't figured out what I'm going to wear yet, but that's the least of my worries.

Clues are hidden in books all over my library for my very first attempt at a "BreakoutEdu" with the entire fifth grade this afternoon.  I had dreams about Modpodge and Destiny and eSchool and the 400+ paint sticks I got to be "library cards" for all of my students.  Next week I will begin a full week of solar system research with first graders and a folktale and fairytale unit with second graders.  Other teachers are easing into it but "I've got this feeling, inside my bones/It goes electric, wavy, when I turn it on..." that it's all going to be awesome.

Speaking of music, did you see this video?

My friend, my colleague, my inspiration, librarian extraordinaire from Syracuse, Sue Kowalski, shared this with me and I LOVE IT!  I want to do something like this at school. Starting today.  A leap every day.  I shared it with one of my friends and she suggested we do our teacher lip sync to the song.  She, who is also amazing and creative (I like to surround myself with folks like that), suggested yesterday that I take a leap picture outside with the same background (a tree?) to watch the seasons change. Brilliant!  Don't let me forget to find that full-of-green-leaved tree today.

So if today or yesterday was your first day or last month or it's tomorrow, I wish you well. Make it the best year ever. Fill it with positive change, smiling young people, funny stories to add to your collection, challenges, risks, some movement of the hips and, literal (or figurative) leaps!  GO FOR IT!

Now, you must excuse me...I have to get my coffee, wake my kids, make my lunch and figure out what I'm going to wear....


  1. Get it, girl! You are an inspiration to us all. Did you pick out a dress to wear?

    1. LOL! I wasn't channelling you! I wore a new shirt, though!

  2. Stacy Ratner-I love your spirit! Thanks for sharing this and reminding us that each of us has the power to make a difference in the world 💖

    1. Awww...thank you! I hope you have a wonderful year and look forward to our leap in April!!!!

  3. Thanks for the inspiration, loved the creative ideas, you are such an inspiration.
