However, I am home in Castleton reflecting on my week and thinking about the next couple of days that I will spend at the NYLA conference in Saratoga Springs:
I reunited with The Wild Robot.
Today I started a book group with five third graders. I've done this for many years with this particular teacher but never with this book. So far they love it and honestly so do I. There is nothing more satisfying to me than seeing kids excited about reading. Bonus--the sequel comes out SOON!
My Mock Caldecott has begun!
Our second grade "Committee" has met a few times already to discuss the award and examine books that have already won but on Tuesday we read our first contender, Dan Santat's After the Fall. They loved it. We will evaluate it next week and then dive into all the other beautiful contenders out there.
I attended my first official unofficial NYLA Council meeting.
In the spring I was elected to be a Councilor-at-Large for the New York Library Association (NYLA). All new Council members were invited to the meeting on Wednesday even though we don't become official until tomorrow night. It feels good to be a voice of the school librarians in New York. I asked everyone around the table to hug and embrace any school librarian they see at the conference this week.
Strong as Sandow: How Eugen Sandow Became the Strongest Man on Earth
This was our "book of the week" with Mrs. Yager's third graders. Sandow's story definitely fits with our school wide theme of "reach for the stars." Don Tate has some great resources on his website to go along with this book. We even had time to watch this video:
And did you know that Don is a Texan? All the more reason to be a fan!
We honored our local veterans and I exercised my right to vote.
Mr. Reischer is now calling this day his "favorite of the year." What a powerful presentation. This year five local vets from four different foreign wars shared stories, feelings, knowledge and experiences on what it's like to be overseas, return home, 9/11, patriotism, taking a knee and more.Happy Picture Book Month!
My fifth grade Reading Ambassadors have signed up for different time slots throughout the month to read to younger kids in honor of Picture Book Month. So far Olivia and Sophia read The Chupacabra Ate the Candleabra to Mrs. Cook's kindergarteners and Zach and Olivia read Crown to Mrs. Longobardi's second graders. We have many more classes to cover before the end of the month!Pirates, Lemmings, Mochi and More!
Mrs. Kosinski's first graders and I were busy the first half of this week! We read Salina Yoon's newest Duck, Duck, Porcupine book has a chapter about "Dress-Like-A-Pirate" day. So we made pirate patches, "arrrrggghhhh" away and had fun! Jasmine Toguchi. We're almost finished so next week we will make mochi!
Tune in soon.
Last week Washington Post reporter, Jacob Bogage, video chatted with the fifth graders to give them interview tips. This week students got their assignment: interview a family member on the history of coming to this country OR an adult on what it means to be an American. Wednesday is our "podcast party" as we begin listening to the interviews. If they are going to be anything like last year's, we're all in for a treat.
The balloons didn't pop.
In fact, they did the exact opposite! Last week Mrs. Yager's book of the week was Lighter Than Air: Sophie Blanchard, the First Woman Pilot. This totally became a cross curricular event lasting over a week. On Thursday we conducted a science experiment and observed how adding baking soda to white vinegar in a two liter bottle can blow up balloons. The kids did math (measurement), science, spelling, predicting and database research. Pinch me for this project was what you want all collaborations to look like.
Looking ahead.
Newbery Kickoff is Monday with a special video chat hangout in the afternoon. Yes! We are going to meet fifth graders from Fort Worth who have already begun their Mock Newbery project and can share what books they really love. I have a feeling this will be awesome! Book groups start on Friday!I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and into the world of Physical Education next week when my mentee, Coach Biehler, and I attend the Association for Physical Education Recreation and Dance conference. I hear there's a lot going on between literacy and physical education. I look forward to wearing my yoga pants, meeting new people and learning A LOT!
Looking behind.
I've been busy. A couple of Saturdays ago I went to the Bank Street Book Festival. Well worth the drive from Albany to meet a listen to an incredible slate of fabulous authors and illustrators. Bonus: I had a bonding moment with Candace Fleming and Eric Rohmann over Giant Squid and stories of my students.Halloween was a blast dressing up as Stephen Savage's "Little Plane" and "READ Cloud" with Mrs. Kelliher.
I finished Allegedly. It was one of those books I couldn't stop reading but was kind of fuming about the ending. I'd love to chat with you about it. I also finished Orphan Island. Can we talk about that one, too? I have a ton of questions.
This post has gone on for too long. Sorry! I just like knowing that someone might read it and get ideas. Please email or comment if you ever want clarification or more details. Perhaps mochi or balloons are in your future...
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