Thursday, February 28, 2019

We Made a Difference Today

Nine 6th graders plus
Assemblyman Breslin with students from Albany HS, too!
Two 7th graders plus
Three 11th graders plus
Two 12th graders plus
A principal plus
Two librarians plus
A dedicated library volunteer
EQUALS the Schodack Central School District contingent to the New York Library Association Advocacy Day 2019 (#NYLAAD19).

Their powerful young voices shared how important it is to them to have a certified school librarian at the elementary school (not mandated in New York State).  And, in the high school, to help prepare them for college and beyond.
They enthusiastically shared how the library is their safe and happy place for readers at all levels.
They listened and nodded and agreed and screamed "LIBRARIES" at the conclusion of each visit.
And even if they didn't understand all that we were advocating for, they nodded and participated and were eager to speak to up and let their voices be heard.
At the rally, they found legislators that they connected to ("the guy from Brooklyn"), clapped often and proudly waved their homemade signs advocating for libraries and school librarians.

Meeting in Assemblyman Tague's office

Meeting in Senator Jordan's office

They could have said it was boring. They could have complained about the sitting around and waiting and yet, they knew it was worth it.  It was fun and they felt good inside. They made a difference today. WE made a difference today.

Meeting with Assemblyman Ashby

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