Saturday, April 4, 2020

I Got Rhythm

When my friend, Alicia, told me I inspired her to write a blog post every day in April, I texted back, "EVERY day?! I only do Monday - Friday." And I planned to keep it that way.

But (1) not to be out done (two important things about me--I leave things to the last minute, AND I am very competitive so...) and (2) I read some great weekend ideas in the New York Times this morning that I just HAD to share.  Seriously, though, I really was going to let Alicia outdo me. At this point, she can have Sunday 😉

Joanie Leeds

When my kids were little I loved listening to "cool" kids' music.  Honestly, I still do.

Joanie Leeds and other women artists had a Facebook Live concert yesterday.  Sorry I missed it.  But, check out her website.  Her Soundcloud albums are there, videos from past events and even information on how to commission her to write a song for you!  I'll be listening to her Soundcloud all day...

The new album is called "All the Ladies."  What I have listened to already, I love.  Be sure and listen to the RBG song.

For now, check out this 💜 video about my favorite city (that could use a lot of lovin' right now:

Lunch Money

We're not talking cafeteria food here, just one of my favorite indie kids bands from when both my career and kids were young.  This song, in particular.

I used it year after year for awhile along with lessons to search and find books in the library.  Maybe I'll revive it and get a whole new generation leaping around to this South Carolina band.

Dog on Fleas

Another band I loved with my kids was "Dog on Fleas."  Can you believe I still have the CDs from the early 2000s? Cranberry Sauce Flotilla was my favorite back then. Hmmm...Maybe cleaning out the CD cabinet should be on my Marie Kondo quarantine to-do-list. Evidently, these guys are still around.  Check them out here.  Their new album came out at the end of last year with a song that could remind us all of how to be right now:

Brady Rymer and the Little Band that Could

Back in the day, we saw Brady Rymer and his band in a free outdoor concert in Brooklyn with my cousins and I was rockin' so much, I bought the CD.  I have it in front of me (Marie, help!)  and it's from 2009. Brady appears to be still going strong with lots of activities and downloads on his website. this is probably best suited for our pre-K and Ks but still a catchy and appropriate tune.  I could be singing "Do the Five, Five, Five" all day now.

Uncle Rock (aka Robert Burke Warren)

When my son was in preschool, he got invited to a birthday party where Uncle Rock was the guest. OMG.  I was a huge fan already and quite starstruck. 🤣 He even gave me a free CD (yeah, by now you know where that is going...).  This was one of my favorite songs.

From Brooklyn, With Love

From that same NYT article, there was a link to the Brooklyn Museum.  They are doing a First Saturday in Brooklyn starting today at 5pm on Zoom or Facebook.  The first two events are appropriate for kids and teens.

There you go.  A "quick" Saturday post. I'm heading outside now to dance around my yard to new and old indie kids music. Thanks to Spotify, no CD player needed.  Enjoy your weekend. xo

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