Thursday, April 23, 2020

Just the facts, Ma'am!

When we are in school in the building, the best days are when I have lunch with kids.  I can actually sit down and eat without inhaling my unmicrowaved leftovers in record time.  When I eat with kids it is usually around 12:30.

These days the time is 11:30.  I do manage to sit down, although nothing to write home about since I've been sitting most of the morning already. (I have clocked in 106 steps today, which is better than my usual 34.) My companion is Governor Cuomo. I like him, like he likes "the boyfriend" but only a fraction of how much I like my students.

Everyday Governor Cuomo talks about the facts. "Just the facts, Ma'am," he'll remind us. Many days at the end of his presentation he will share his personal opinion.  Today's facts were "ugly and disturbing" and his opinions, although not shown in a slide, were clear.

Need a reminder about facts vs. opinions? Michael Rex's book couldn't be more succinct.

Fact: I'm going to share a reading of the book on class Seesaws, Dojos and Google Classrooms.
Fact: I'm not very good at Screencastify and moving the arrow from left to right to get into the screenshot is a challenge.
Fact: My hair is a mess of wildness. Just ask Mrs. Golden.
Opinion: This is a great book and kids from K--??? will love it.  

Not a proven fact but I'm guessing your kids will giggle, call out to the book (I did that--Look! His name is Bubba!) and learn in a simple and fun way the difference between facts vs. opinions (and you can even throw in a lesson in there about fake news.)

What facts do you know about the world we are living in today?
What are your opinions? What are the opinions of the adults in your life
Jot them down.  Write your own book. Quiz your friends and family and share your results.

Think of me the next time you are having lunch.  I really don't mind my current daily lunch date but I'd much rather be with my students. Now that's a FACT.

A little more...

There's a great video on "Fact & Opinion" on Brainpop (check site for login) and/or you can also watch this short video:

1 comment:

  1. I walk ten miles a day when I'm at school, and barely five when I'm at home. I like the idea of having lunch with a group of kids so I could sit down. Will have to debate that in the fall!
